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Arctic cocktails with live music from the stage at the edge of the swimming pool. We turn down the lights, fire up the candles and invite you for chill-out session with DJ Matti Aikio (Tromsø). Plus, get ready for interactive performance games in the water with Evgeny Goman from Arctic Theatre, Murmansk: Winter is breaking. The ice wall is falling down. The opened water passage shortens the distances. A new era is at the doorstep bringing new challenges to the Northernmost Chinatown. Everybody has to stay afloat. Will you?
En varm avskjed med festivalen og nye opplevelser ved bassengkanten. Vi demper belysningen, tenner stearinlys og inviterer deg til en ekte chill-out session med DJ Matti Aikio (Tromsø). Pluss, vær med på et interaktivt performance spill I vannet I regi Evgeny Goman fra Arctic Theatre, Murmansk: Vinteren trekker seg tilbake, is veggen faller. Det nyåpnede passasjen i havet minsker avstander. En ny æra i emning betyr nye utfordringer for Verdens Nordligste Chinatown. Alle må holde seg flytende. Vil du?
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Sun 17. Feb | |
15:00 - 18:00 | |
Barentsbadet | |
kr 100,- (ungdom 13-17 år, kr. 60,-) |